Well, they did it again. Facebook changed! Let the status complaints begin! Let the groups 1,000,000 members to get old facebook back be formed. Let's face it! We hate it when facebook changes! Most of us have just become comfortable with the previous changes, and than they do it again! But maybe the brains behind facebook are a lot smarter than we give them credit for when they seem to be regularly making fairly large changes. Because the truth in the matter is that when you and I get comfortable with something, that thing becomes boring, routine, normal. The initial excitement, the initial exploration of trying to get things figured out, all that disappears. We get on, do our thing, and get off. However, every-time facebook makes changes I have to spend a little more time on facebook. A little more time exploring. A little more time figuring things out. A little more time experiencing the new features, and what had become common place, normal, comfortable, is all of a sudden new and that is good for business at facebook! So what does facebook making changes have to do with our faith? I would argue a lot!
It shows that we are people who love that which is comfortable. We love what is predictable. We love what is familiar. We are a people who resist change when we have grown comfortable and fond of something, and when the love of comfort, predictability, and familiarity creep into our faith we are in danger. We are in danger because the Christian faith was not meant to be full of comfort, predictability, and familiarity, but that is exactly what so many of us have worked so hard to make our Christian life. We want it to be comfortable, predictable, and familiar, and when something becomes comfortable, predictable, and familiar it become boring, and as a result our Christian faith gets put on the back-burner of our lives and really has no meaningful difference in how we live. So what do we need to do? Do something uncomfortable in your faith. Do something not familiar. Change things! Start a new ministry, join a new ministry, study a book of the Bible you have never studied before, go and share Jesus with your neighbor, try out a new spiritual discipline! Change things, do that which is not comfortable, and not familiar. So decide on one thing you are going to do in your faith this week that will begin to move you out of what has become very comfortable, and go do it. We have not been called to a comfortable life, we have been called to a life that lives out the great commission, and the great commandment, and that will never be comfortable, familiar, predictable, boring. It will be life to the fullest and that sounds way better than comfortable!