Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Investing in youth is an all church ministry!

       A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to preach at the church that I spent the first 18 years of my life in!  It was a blast getting to be back there and teach the Word in the church that was so vital in my growth of becoming more like Jesus.  It was also a humbling experience because as I looked around that room I saw so many faces of people who had invested in my life and looking back they played a huge part in helping me be where I am today in my walk with Jesus.  It struck me very clearly for the first time how good of job Emmanuel Baptist Church in Mora, MN did investing in youth.  I also realized that if a church is going to invest in young people it needs to be an all church undertaking.  The moment the spiritual growth of young people is placed solely upon the youth pastor and a few adults who love to work with teenagers on Wednesday night is the moment we drastically reduce our effectiveness in discipling young people and pouring into them in hopes that they will follow Jesus wherever God leads them in the future.
        So what does this look like?  Does this mean everyone needs to work in the youth ministry?  No!  What it does mean is that everyone can do something to build into the lives of our youth.  Everyone can get to know the names of several of the young people in our church and make a point to say hi to them every week and telling them you are excited they are here.  Everyone can get to know what activities one or two students are involved in and occasionally ask them how it is going.  Everyone can help create a space where kids can be kids and when they do kid stuff they are lovingly redirected and not shamed and condemned.  Some can take it further.  Those who are a part of the older generation can intentionally meet with students in a mentoring relationship.  Some can help with the youth ministry, some can lead small groups, some can enter into 1-1 discipleship relationships.  The bottom line is everyone can do something, and everyone needs to do something.
      What are we aiming for when the church invests in the lives of kids and youth.  We are aiming and praying that God would use it to grip their hearts and draw them to Himself.  We are aiming towards kids and youth growing up and continuing to follow Jesus wherever He leads them to go.  Success is not determined on what they do, success is determined on if they are following Jesus.  Success is a stay at home mom is pursuing Jesus and living that out in front of her kids.  Success is a blue collar worker who is following Jesus faithfully in the work place and at home.  Success is the missionary, or pastor, who is following Jesus.  Success is found when they enter adult hood and continue to follow Jesus.
       As I looked across that room I saw the people who greeted me every morning.  I saw the people who asked me about how football and basketball were going for me.  I saw people who were my small group leaders.  I saw people who created an environment where kids could be kids while moving us towards Jesus.  I saw a church that invested in kids and youth and my life is vastly different because of that.
       One more thing:  young people are the church of today, not the church of tomorrow.  They are a part of the body today if they are followers of Jesus.  So not only are we to invest in them for what we hope they will become in the future, we invest in them for what we hope will be in the present.  That they might faithfully follow Jesus today in their schools, in the classroom, on the athletic field, in their jobs, with their friends, and in their homes.
       So what is your role for investing in youth?  If you don't have a role yet simply start by getting to know the names of two youth and make a point to say hi to them every time you see them at church!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Faith Like a Child: When is a boat a boat and when is a Jesus follower a Jesus follower?

       I had the opportunity to spend the week at a cabin with my family and it was a blast!  Our 18 month old became obsessed with boats and he ran around the entire week yelling out "boat, boat, boat" every time he saw one cruising across the lake!  One morning in an attempt to get him away from causing trouble (a common occurrence) I had him come over by me and look out the window of our cabin to look for boats.  The cabin was about 5 yards from the water and right out from our windows  were several boat lifts with boats in them so I figured the search for a "boat" would be successful!  However, as he looked out the window he lifted up his hands in the air to say, "where are the boats" even though three boats were literally right in front of him.  A few minutes later he spotted a boat going across the lake and erupted in shouts of "boat, boat, boat."  For Ty a boat was not a boat unless it was doing what a boat was created to do!  If the boat was not out on the water driving around the lake in his mind it was not a boat.
      The same is true of Jesus followers.  A Jesus follower is not a Jesus follower unless they are... following Jesus.  So the question we all need to be asking ourselves is this, "are we doing what we have been born again to do?"  Are we following Jesus, because if claim to follow Jesus, but aren't following him, we really aren't followers of Jesus.  So take some time and ask God to reveal to you if you are following Jesus or not.  Are you following Jesus in your work?  As a parent?  As a student?  As a husband or wife?  As a neighbor?  As a friend?  That is what God has created you to do and that is what God through His spirit will empower you to do!  When people see us, what do they see?  I hope they see someone following Jesus!