Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Not even sure what title to give this one....

       A while back on a Sunday evening I was sitting in my comfortable recliner, in my comfortable house, scrolling through my twitter feed on my iPhone 5 when the news of 21 Christians being beheaded comes across the feed and as I read more and learn more about what happened I was saddened, I was hurt, I was broken-hearted for what had happened, and I prayed...
      Than an hour later I was eating a DQ blizzard in my comfortable recliner, in my comfortable house, with my wife and my parents.  The next day my life goes on filled with comforts and relative ease.  It doesn't seem right.  It seems shallow.  It seems costless.  It seems unfair.  Where is my persecution?  Where are the ones who are going to hate me?  Where is my cost?  Where is my sacrifice?  How do I harmonize that my brothers and sisters in Christ are being martyred, beheaded, persecuted, and hated around the world, and I am eating a blizzard?  Saying a quick prayer for my persecuted brothers and sisters seems shallow, giving 10% of my absurd amount of wealth seems shallow, being a nice person and maybe occasionally sharing Jesus seems shallow.  All the phrases and quotes that those of us who are Christians in America who are privileged, filthy rich, and have filled our lives with comfort and entertainment, seem offensive.  
       I'm restless.  I'm confused.  I'm processing.  I'm divided.  I'm torn.  I'm discontent.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What Taco John's can teach the church

           Last Thursday an article and picture were put in the local paper here in Brookings, SD introducing myself as the new pastor at Bethel Baptist Church and inviting the community to the installation service this past Sunday.  When I came to work on Tuesday I found an envelope in my box from Taco Johns, and here is what was in it...

             It was simple.  It wasn't elaborate.  It wasn't extremely costly or difficult.  In spite of that.... it left a really good impression (and soon to be a yummy impression too!) Sometimes we get too caught up in wanting to do "big" things for God and miss out on countless daily opportunities to do things that are simple and easy BUT leave a good impression!  Yes, we will be called as followers of Christ to also do hard things where we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow but let us not miss out on the everyday opportunities to leave a really good impression.  Are we so focused on trying to hit a home run that we miss out on opportunities to lay down a bunt and advance the runner?  Our Gospel proclamation can never be only "good deeds" but our good deeds should be plentiful as we strive to leave good impressions that will make speaking the Gospel in our communities more impactful!
             What can you do in your neighborhood, work-place, local store, and community in order to leave a really good impression of the Gospel?  Now go do it!