This post is a result of questions I have had for a couple years now, and have once again been pushed to the forefront of my mind because of the events that have transpired in the past couple weeks involving professional football players. The question is simply, how should we as Christians engage with football (and other violent sports). Is it something that we should embrace, enjoy, participate in, support, as God given recreation and enjoyment that has simply been tainted by sinful creatures. Is it something that we should be careful not to embrace, enjoy, participate in and support too much, but not lay it aside all-together? Or is it something that we need to move away from, not support, enjoy, participate in or encourage? Here is what has led to this question.
First, football in a violent sport and it takes a toll on bodies in dangerous and life altering ways. I don't need to elaborate on this one as it is common knowledge to all who follow football. Yes, the NFL has made some great strides in the past couple years about dangerous hits, concussions, etc. But what about the countless athletes whose bodies never get back to normal because of the violent nature of the game of football.
Secondly, in most cases football seems to bring out the worst in people. Fans, coaches, players. I get that there are exceptions, and the reason we love hearing about those stories is because sadly they are the exception, not the norm. I can safely say that I would not want any of my kids to be like the vast majority of football players both on and off the field. I have been to a couple NFL games, and fans are pathetic. I would not want to bring my son into the environment of a regular season football game simply because of how fans react. Coaches from 5th grade to the NFL have also demonstrated how football tends to bring out the worst in people.
Thirdly, somehow so many things that Scripture describes as sin is glorified in football. Pride being the greatest of many examples. Watch a football game and watch the pride of the players, fans, and coaches. Rejoicing in the demoralizing defeat of the opponent. Pridefully celebrating after making a play. Rubbing their success in the face of the one that was just defeated, trash talking, and on and on I could go. Yeah, we say it is a part of the game, but is that ok when what is just a part of the game in the Bible is clearly described as sin.
Fourthly, is the attitude of ignoring huge character flaws in individuals as long as they perform and help us accomplish our goals. This is an attitude of succeeding at all costs and that ultimately character doesn't matter as long as we produce results. As the Bible makes abundantly clear it is the heart that matters, not what an individual is able to accomplish on the football field.
I could go on but I won't. As I stated at the beginning this is based on thoughts I have had for a couple years now. I have not talked much about it with others, because I guess I am afraid of the conclusion that I might come to, because quite frankly I love football (and hockey). However, I love Jesus and the Word more. If you love football, and Jesus, I would love to hear your thoughts. Have you wrestled through these issues? What have you decided? What Scripture has informed your decision? Please respond, here or on Facebook. I would love to hear your thoughts.