Thursday, February 21, 2013

How do you pray for your children

I came across this picture and prayer on facebook..... 

and I hated it.  I hated it because in essence what is being prayed for is the American dream which is vastly different than pursuing Jesus.  The sad part is the fact that most of us as parents probably spend significantly more time praying for the safety of our kids, than praying that God would use our kids to bring glory to His name and lead others to salvation. 
       The way we pray for our kids ultimately reveals what we believe to be most important in life.  When we frequently pray for our kids safety, and rarely pray for our kids to live for the glory of God, it reveals that we believe safety is more important than the glory of God.  When we pray more for our kids earthly accomplishments than their kingdom accomplishment, we reveal that we believe earthly success is more important than success in God’s eyes.  
       Of course I want my kids to be safe, and healthy.  Of course I want my kids to be successful.  Of course I want my kids to have their dreams come true.  However, there is something that I desire more than all of that combined.  I desire that someday my kids will stand before God and hear him proclaim, "Well done good and faithful servant."  I desire that my kids will spend their life making much of God, and sharing the Gospel with those around them in word and deed.  If that can best happen through sickness and struggle, than that is what I desire.  If that can best happen through health and "earthly" success, than that is what I desire.  I came across the following prayer and I am beginning to use it when praying for my kids.  May our prayers for our kids change as we realize that God's glory and the salvation of others is WAY more important than health, safety, and earthly success.
Do What You Must
Do what You must almighty God
To make me more like Your Son,
Empty me of all envy and pride
And fill me again with love.
Whatever it takes I earnestly pray
To make me a man of Your Word,
Take me to the depths of sufferings deep
Lead me down the Calvary road.
I’ll take up my cross whatever the cost
If You grant the strength and grace,
I’ll follow you Lord, my Savior, my God
To highest of heights or grave.
My dreams and my plans I place on your altar
And to them I raise my knife,
You give and you take, my gracious Provider
You kill and you bring to life.
I ask not for health nor prospering wealth
But one thing I need and trust,
That I might become a man like Your Son
To this end Lord, do what You must.