Being surrounded by three (and soon to be four young children) daily I catch glimpses of what Jesus was referring to when He calls us to have faith like a child! To receive the kingdom of God like a little child (Luke 10:15) is not easy to do, especially when we grow up and begin thinking/acting/living more like adults and less like little kids. I hope to occasionally share what God is teaching me through my kids!
One of the most exciting times in the Robertson household is when we say to our kids, "Let's go bye, bye." Say these words in our house and the response you will get is absolutely incredible! Laughter, shouts of joy, dancing, and emphatically pulling on the safety gate to get down the stairs and out the door. The amazing thing about this reaction is..... it doesn't matter where we are going. It could be the dentist, the gas station, disney world, the grocery store, church, anywhere. The kids are just excited about going.... the destination is of little consequence, they are just excited to be going!
What about us adults? Do we react the same way when God is calling us to go bye, bye? Or do we demand to know all the details about when, where, and why? Do we stay put, refusing to move forward with God, until we have all the information we want? God is calling us to be and do many things! So how do you respond? With excitement, not caring about the destination, because you are just excited to be going anywhere with God? Having child-like faith means that we follow God with excitement, even when we don't know where He is leading us to! God is calling you to go with him! How are you responding? Are you dragging your feet, and stalling until you find out the destination and results of the journey? Or are you responding with laughter, shouts of joy, dancing, and emphatically pulling on the safety gate to get down the stairs and out the door?
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