Thursday, February 23, 2012

Faith Like A Child- With you I can.

       In the craziness of day to day life with four little one's running, pooping, peeing, laughing, dancing, playing, crying, eating, hugging, kissing, and loving it is easy to miss the lessons that God is trying to teach me through our kids!  In Matthew 18 Jesus tells us that unless we change and become like little children, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
       Whenever Anaya (our 18 month old) is around a person she does not no very well, her first reaction is fear, even when they are down on their knees excitedly calling her to come and see them!  Often times she will purposely back away from the person, or take the long way around in order to avoid them, as she searches for someone familiar and safe.  Once she finds Heidi or I she comes over and puts her hands up and in the way only an adorable 18 month old can, she says, "up, up, up, up."  So we lift her up, and as we begin to walk with her towards the person while a little shyness might still exist, she is no longer backing up, and trying to get away from the new person.  While holding her we ask her to say hi to the person, and give a high five, and a fist bump, and as she is safely in our arms she excitedly engages with the person who originally made her run away in fear!  What an incredible picture that paints for us as followers of Jesus!
       Matthew 28:18-20 comes to mind, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."  What an incredible command and charge we have been given as followers of Jesus.  We have been commanded to make disciples as we are going about life.  At work, at home, at church, at the grocery store, on mission trips, in school, at the health club, in our clubs and committee's, we are called to make disciples! That is a big task, and if we are honest, often times a daunting task as we quickly begin to think of all of our inadequacies, doubts, fears, and insecurities.  However, if we remember the last part of Matthew 28:20 we should have the courage to go forth in doing what God has called us to do. "And surely I (the "I" referring to Jesus, the one who has ALL authority in heaven and on earth) am with you always, to the very end of the age."
       While living a life of Gospel intentionality focused on creating disciples as we go about is a daunting, and sometimes scary task, we can go forth in faith trusting the promise that the one who has ALL authority will be with us!  What an incredible promise.  So the next time we become fearful in doing what God has called us to do, may we remind ourselves who it is that is with us!  May we, like a child, overcome fear knowing that the one who is with us is trustworthy and faithful and go where God is leading us!

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