Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Forgiveness: Part 5- What it is!

       Forgiveness is hard, but for the Jesus follower forgiveness is necessary.  We have spent time looking at the Gospel message to see why forgiveness is necessary, and also to gain the motivation we need to forgive others who have done the unthinkable to us and those we love.  Scripture makes it clear that we need to forgive others, so the last question to ask and answer is what does it mean to forgive others.
      The only logical place to look when asking the question what does it mean to forgive others, is looking at what it means that God has forgiven us.  In God forgiving us it means that He no longer holds our offenses against us.  God has released, removed, taken away our sins, our offenses against Him.  God no longer holds our sin over our heads saying, "I remember when you..... and because of that I am going to treat you this way."  Forgiving someone means that you no longer hold what that person did against them.  You let it go, you release it.  This does not necessarily mean that you forget, but when you do remember the offense you no longer hold it against the person.
       In God forgiving us, God was seeking our good.  So in forgiving others it means that we desire and seek the good of the person who has offended us, and if opportunity arrises to bless and bring something good into that persons life we will do it.  (Love your enemy).  After all, I was God's enemy and He sought my good, so we need to seek the good of those who have offended us.
       Forgiveness can be very painful.  It is not an easy, quick, painless, process to forgive someone in a Biblical manner.  It is painful to release someones offense(s) against you.  It is really hard too.  It is painful and costly to seek the good of someone who has hurt you in such deep ways, that is painful and costly.  Forgiveness was painful for God too, in having to send His son to die a horrific death in order to forgive you and me.  Forgiveness is never easy, and true Biblical forgiveness is costly, and painful.  However, once reaching the place of forgiveness you will find incredible peace, joy, relief, and grace fill your life.
       I feel like I need to add a disclaimer.  Forgiving someone, does not mean that you must continue to put yourself in a situation where you are being abused in any way.  Forgiveness does not mean that you do not take steps to distance and remove yourself (or others) from someone who is abusing and hurting others.
       So how has God been working in your life in the area of forgiveness?  I would love to hear your story!  In this blog series I have only been able to scratch the surface when it comes to forgiveness.  If you have further questions or concerns regarding this issue I would love to discuss those with you.  So feel free to contact me to share your story and God's work in your life, and/or to further discuss forgiveness.  You can contact me by e-mail-  joshrobertson52@gmail.com
       It is my prayer that God has used this as together we struggle and strive to forgive others as God has forgiven us.

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