Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Faith Like a Child: When life doesn't make sense.

       A little over a week ago Ty, our youngest child (10 months old), spent a little bit of time in the hospital because of an infection and an extremely high fever.  We are thankful to God that He is healthy and back to his normal self crawling all over the house getting himself into trouble!  If you have ever experienced being with a little one in the hospital it is hard.  The thing that, at least for me, made it so difficult was that it was impossible to explain to Ty what was going on, what was going to happen, and why they were doing everything they did.  I couldn't explain to him why I had to bear hug him and hold him down while they drew blood, and while they put his IV in.  I couldn't explain to him why he had this cord hooked to his foot that made it so he couldn't go wherever he wanted.  I couldn't explain why he felt so miserable.  I couldn't explain anything.  That is hard on a mommy and daddy and we hated it.  Even though we couldn't explain anything to him, there were things we could do; we could be with him, hold him, love him, sing to him, play with him, and wipe his tears away.  There were many things we couldn't do, but despite all of that what we could do seemed to be enough to get him through a very difficult and painful couple of days.  We didn't like what was happening to our little man, but we knew it needed to be done if he was going to get healthy.  We gave him everything we could, while the only thing he could do was lean into us and trust us, even though nothing made sense to him.
      This carries over to those of us who are children of God.  There are times when life flat out does not make sense.  What is going on seems to be the opposite of what desperately needs to be happening.  The pain seems pointless, confusion seems to dominate, and as much as we ask for an explanation we get nothing.  I believe it is difficult for God to watch His children go through pain, but in the midst of the pain and questions God offers us Himself.  All of Himself.  All of His love, comfort, peace, joy, and on and on I could go. God offers all of Himself, and asks us to lean into and trust.  Lean in and trust Him, trust that He knows what He is doing, and trust that everything will be ok.
       If you are in a place today where life does not make sense, lean in and trust God as He offers all of Himself to you.

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