You made it! You are at the last part of studying your Bible using the COMA method! The last part of Bible study is application. So what do you actually do with what you have read and learned. Knowledge is great, but knowledge that is not put into practice is a waste. For Bible study to actually be meaningful it needs to make an impact in the way you live, the way you act, the way you think, and the way you talk. That is exactly what application does! Here are some application questions for our text 1 Peter 1:1-12.
1.) How does this passage challenge or confirm my understanding?
2.) Is there some attitude I need to change?
3.) How does this passage call me to change the way I live?
4.) What does this passage teach me about God? Church? World?
5.) What does this passage teach me about myself? How should I respond?
6.) Does this passage require that I take action? If yes, what action?
7.) What sins does this passage identify? Do I need to repent of these sins?
8.) What should I praise God for in this passage?
There you have it! COMA- Context, Observation, Meaning, Application! My hope is that you stick with it in the upcoming weeks and months! Pick a book of the Bible and keep working through it using the COMA method. Maybe just keep working your way through the book of 1 Peter.
If you have any questions, or if there is anything I can do to help you through this process please do not hesitate to let me know. Would love to help you in this journey and learning how to study God's Word.
My notes from determining the meaning of 1 Peter 1:1-12-
1.) How does this text relate to other parts of the book?
Not necessarily an important question as this is the first passage in the book.
2.) How does the passage relate to Jesus?
-This passage tells us about what the resurrection of Jesus has accomplished for us: A living hope to an inheritance that is sure.
-Our rejoicing in the midst of trials will bring glory to Jesus when he is revealed in the last days.
-The prophets who prophesied about Christ did so for the benefit of those who lived after the resurrection of Jesus.
3.) What does this teach us about God?
-It is the foreknowledge of God that has led to the elect exiles greeted in verse 1.
-It is God who has caused us to be born again to a living hope.
-God deserves to be blessed because of what he accomplished through Christ.
4.) How could we sum up the meaning of the passage in our own words?
We are to praise God because he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus, to a sure inheritance that no trial or testing can impact, according to the message of the prophets regarding the coming of Jesus.
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