Thursday, December 17, 2015

Star Wars and missing out.

       Confession:  I have never seen an entire Star Wars movie and the bits and pieces of the movies I have seen do nothing to make me want to watch more.  Some of you might unfriend me after that confession, some of you might question my humanity, some of you might question my intelligence, some of you might want to lock me in a room and force to watch all the Star Wars movies because you can't imagine a person not liking them.  Star Wars mania is in full swing as the newest release is just a few hours away!  The reviews coming in have done nothing except to continue to build the hype.   The hype, the excitement, the energy, the passion, the people who have been camping out for over a week, all of it has plagued me with a thought.... "What if I am missing out on something incredible?"  I have thought numerous times over the past week maybe I should start watching the Star Wars movies.   Maybe, I should watch all of them.  Maybe, I should force myself to like it because with how many, many, people are acting I can't help but wonder if I am truly missing out on something great.  Will I actually give Star Wars a shot and start watching the movies? I don't know, maybe, but what has stuck out to me the most is how a group of people who are extremely passionate about something have caused me to wonder if I am missing out.
        It is this feeling that I have in regards to Star Wars, that Jesus wants our lives to create in those around us who don't know Jesus.  The question for you and me is when people see our lives is there something in it that makes them wonder is they are missing out on something.  Is there a joy, is there a peace, is there a contentment, is there is love, is there a grace, is there forgiveness, is their kindness, is their patience, is there goodness, is there faithfulness, that make those around you feel like they are missing out on something?  One of the greatest tragedies in my life, and the lives of those I frequently interact with, is when I pursue love, joy, peace, security, satisfaction, love, in all the same places that those around me do.  When, like those around me, I place my identity and joy on my work, on my family, on my friends.  When, like those around me, I love based on what others can do for me.  When, like those around me, my joy goes up and down based on circumstances.  When, like those around me, I get just as mad when people and/or events threaten my idols, threaten my identity, threaten my goals and dreams.  When that happens it is a tragedy.  It is a tragedy for me because the sure foundation for love, joy, contentment, satisfaction, peace, security, forgiveness, and identity has been traded in for that which can never consistently give me those things.  It is a tragedy for those who I frequently interact with because as I claim Jesus they look at my life and they don't see that much that is different.  They don't walk away with the question, "Am I missing out on something?"
       My prayer?  My prayer is that like John the Baptist referring to Jesus stated, "He must increase, I must decrease."  My prayer is that as the body of Christ together we would live individually and together in such a way that causes people to wonder, "Am I missing out on something?"  The answer is yes, they are, but if we don't show a different way of life, a better way of life, how can they possibly know that they are missing out on something?  Sadly, the current state of affairs in much popular Christianity is simply focused on gun rights, demonizing those who disagree with us, confusing Christianity with the american dream, fighting for our rights, idolizing our safety and comfort, all behind the comforts of our computer screen and our Facebook walls.  That is not what my neighbors need?  What my neighbor needs is someone who is able to love in the midst of hatred.  What my neighbor needs is someone who has found a joy that does not change based on circumstances.  What my neighbor needs is someone who loves and gives generously.  What my neighbor needs is someone who is willing to sacrifice their good, their comfort, their security, their earthly stuff for the benefit of others.  What my neighbor needs is Jesus which is why my desire is that Jesus would increase and I would decrease.
        By God's grace, by God's spirit within us, may we more and more lead lives that will cause people to wonder, "Am I missing out on something?"  They are, and His name is Jesus, and He lives in me.

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