Thursday, October 5, 2017

Cover to Cover Q&A from Genesis12-36.

  At our church we have begun a 42 week series where we will be doing an over-view of all of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation!  Throughout these 42 weeks we are encouraging the people at Bethel to follow the Bible reading plan which will bring us all through the whole Bible chronologically over the next 42 weeks!  Each week at Bethel the texts that we read during the week is what the sermon will be based on.  As a part of this series we are giving people opportunities to ask questions about what they are reading that they would like answered.  So every Thursday on this blog myself, alongside the elders, will seek to answer those questions the best we can!  So here we go for the questions we received on Genesis 12-36. 

Question #1:  From Genesis 19... Why would Lot offer his virgin daughters up to the mob of men wishing to have sex with the visitors in his home? Were women simply not valued at all? Or was he so concerned that the Lord would then destroy the city (would Abraham have share that with him?) that he decided to sacrifice his daughters for the "greater good"? (Answered by Elder Dave Grave and elder canidate Cash Ujah)  

        Difficult question to answer because we are not given any narration commentary on what Lot did, we are simply told what He did.  There does not seem to be any indication that Abraham had shared with Lot what He knew was going to be coming.  So there are likely several factors at play here.  One would indeed be that at this point in time people did hold a low-view of women so that would have played into this scenario.  Secondly, is that there was also an extremely high view of hospitality and seeking to take care of ones visitors and guests.  So those two realities combined probably led Lot to respond the way that he did.  We should note that Scripture in no way condones, encourages, or states that what Lot did was right.  I think we can safely say that what we know about Scripture and God is that Lot did not make the right choice.  Thankfully by God's grace and provision Lot's daughters were not violated and God provided for the safety of all in Lot's home doing this event.  

Question #2:  Why in Genesis 12 was Pharaoh afflicted when he had taken Sarai into his house when it was Abram that lied about the identity of Sarai.  (Answered by Elder Dave Graves)    

         Judgment reflects the gravity of the sin of taking another man’s wife (see David and Bathsheba) which doesn't change simply because Pharaoh didn't know.  It also reflects the sovereignty of God and his commitment to keep his promise to Abraham to bless him. Even though Abram lied, not only was his life spared, he received an abundance of wealth from Pharaoh both before and after Sarai’s revelation of her true identity.  

 As we move through this series please keep the questions coming!  You can ask questions on the connect card attached to your bulletin on Sunday's, by emailing me at
We certainly don't have all the answers and at times will not be sure how to answer but seek the one who grants wisdom to help us understand what we can.  At the end of the day it is not about having greater knowledge, or to simply know more stuff, it is to know more by which we can continue together to strive to Exalt God's Name, Equip God's People, and Evangelize God's World in our homes, communities, and world.  

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