1.) Before Jesus you were separated from God, after Jesus you have come into a relationship with God.
2.) Before Jesus you were dead in your sins, after Jesus you have become a new creation.
3.) Before Jesus you were enemies of God, after Jesus you became friends with God.
4.) Before Jesus you were under the wrath of God, after Jesus you became a child of God.
5.) Before Jesus you were without hope for today and for eternity, after Jesus you have incredible hope for today and for eternity.
While I was preaching a young boy drew a picture of who we were before Jesus and who we are after Jesus. Here was his picture on the back of the note sheet….
That sums it up pretty well! We are a mess without Jesus, and when we enter into a relationship with Jesus he changes us, he makes us into a new creation! Be thankful today for what Jesus has done in your life! I am!
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